amforht aims at bridging the gap between education and industry

We often observe a disconnect between hospitality and tourism education and the industry. Presently, the tourism sector finds itself at a critical juncture, grappling with severe labor shortages and the evolving expectations of younger generations.
Bridging this divide is imperative to effectively tackle these challenges ahead.

Through a network of international and regional forums, AMFORHT facilitates crucial knowledge exchange, ensuring that tourism education remains relevant, informed, and adaptable in a dynamic industry.

AMFORHT's forums create a unique space for educators and industry leaders to connect.
These gatherings, encompassing conferences, workshops and online platforms, foster a spirit of collaboration and knowledge sharing.
Educators gain invaluable insights into the evolving needs of the industry, while industry professionals benefit from exposure to cutting-edge educational practices and research.

AMFORHT's forums extend beyond the international stage, delving into regional sustainable specificities.
Regional conferences address the unique challenges and opportunities faced by tourism sectors in distinct parts of the world.
This targeted approach allows for in-depth discussions on issues like regional tourism trends and the impact of local policies such as sustainability on tourism development.
By fostering knowledge exchange at the regional level, AMFORHT equips tourism professionals with the tools they need to navigate the intricacies of their specific markets while maintaining a broader perspective.

The effectiveness of AMFORHT's forums lies not only in their global reach but also in the diversity of formats employed:
From traditional conferences to workshops, webinars or discussion forums, this multifaceted approach ensures that a wide range of voices are heard, and that knowledge exchange is maximized.

The significance of AMFORHT's forums lies in their ability to shape the future of tourism education.
By fostering communication between educators and industry professionals, these forums ensure that tourism education remains current and addresses the most pressing issues facing the industry.
Discussions on topics like sustainable tourism practices, or the impact of technological advancements equip graduates with the knowledge and skills required to navigate an ever-changing landscape.

AMFORHT's international and regional forums play a vital role in fostering a global dialogue within the tourism sector.
By facilitating communication and knowledge exchange, these forums bridge the gap between academia and industry, ensuring that future generations of tourism professionals are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to navigate the complexities of the global tourism landscape.


heritage: the future of tourism


amforht eases sustainable tourism